
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Everything is coming up Roses

Yes it is that time of year. For the next several weeks O Wise One, Baby Oops and I will be living out of the crockpot. Rising early and outside till late.  If we really get out there and clean out all the beds and get everything pruned back, fertilized and planted then it will slow down and we will then just have the upkeep to deal with. First thing has been the roses. With an unusually hard winter and lots of snow and wind there was quite a bit of winter kill on the rose bushes. Most of my roses are very hardy varieties. Some Rugosas, landscape roses and heirloom roses. I have 24 bushes so I will be ath this awhile. Each bush has to have the dead wood pruned off of it and a good fertilizer/compost put around it.  I spray none of my bushes.

On this bush you can see the winterkill. All this must be removed. This variety is a Knockout Rose. A low growing variety it is a pink bicolor and goes all the way down the steps. They were an anniversary gift from O Wise One

                           This is what it looks like all pruned and cleaned up!

This is what I end up with. These trimmings are one of the few things not composted but rather burned.

This is a long and sticky job that must be done every spring. But who can resist Roses.

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter

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