
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Chicks

Now that the weather is warming up we have been able to take one light off the chicks. They are starting to get their new feathers and are no longer little yellow puff balls. Once the weather warms a little more they will be moved to a chicken tractor.   

This is such a busy time of the year for me. I have been cleaning out closets and book shelves. Have put some books and a couple old prom dresses on ebay and have sent some stuff to Goodwill. Am slowly laundering the quilts and starting to put some away until next winter.

Repotted cabbage and brocolli plants from the cell packs they were germinated in to larger pots now that they are larger. Next stop the cold frame until they are ready to go into the garden. Lettuce and onions in cold frame are growing wonderfully. Tomatoes have come up and are doing well also. Planted some new Pepper seeds a neighbor brought me when she came over to get eggs. They are called pepperocini and are an Italian heirloom pickling pepper. We shall give them a try.

I am almost half done with the sampler quilt I am hand quilting. I am really making good time on it considering it is a queen size quilt. I envy those that machine quilt sometimes that they are able to complete a quilt so quickly. But then I look at the handstitching and always decide to stay with the traditional method. It seems that so few people do it by hand anymore.

Baby O is taking a field trip today to the prison in school. Not sure I think that is necessary for my child. But for some maybe a dose of reality and evidence of choices and consequences.  So much for the innocence of childhood. O Wise One's parting thoughts as she walked out the door this morning.  NO FRATERNIZING !!

Some things may change but Daddy's always remain the same! Thank God...

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Sounds like spring is in full swing at your place! Enjoy!

  2. You are so trying to out do me here!!!! I might say you are doing a fine job of it too!!

    I have got it figured tho....hehehe.....O Wise One helps you out more than my boyfriend does!!! Am I right??? LOL!!! I am inside now taking a quick break from the pruners and my HUGE GARDEN!! What was I thinking??? O Wise One I need some help over here!!

    Honey you keep handquilting and don't think twice about it. You are a better woman than me!!


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