
Friday, March 19, 2010

Salad Boxes

March has truly come to the Holler. After 5 months of unending snow cover and a total snowfall of over 5 feet we are starting into the wet part of early spring. After a weekend of nonstop rain again snow is forecasted for this coming weekend.  Most of the Rivers and streams are out of their banks from melting snow in the North on top of local rains.
So most of our area is covered in this!

Yes gooey wet mud. This is my driveway folks. So we have went from 5 months of ice and snow to this. Aint weather great in the show me state.
Normally we are planting lettuce now so O Wise One and I have had to get creative. It is about the time we start getting hungry for fresh greens and there is nothing like fresh lettuce and spinach. When looking through my blogs the other day I came across this post . So we thought if you can't get to the garden then bring the garden to you! These are boxes that O Wise one built for me. 24" X 24" they fit perfectly under my grow light stand.


With screen and hardware cloth on the bottom and two boards for extra support to keep the screen from sagging and pulling out the staples.

I put newspaper in the bottom and then filled them about 3 inches deep with potting soil. Then sowed lettuce seed. In this case Black Seeded Simpson which is a wonderful cut and come again lettuce. The other I planted in Spinach. Then they went under the grow lights.

In three days we had lettuce seedlings. When the weather permits they will be set outside in the sun. Setting them under the shed or porch at night. Or inside if the temps get too low or the cold frame.

Will keep you updated on our progress with this experiment.  Maybe we will have lettuce and spinach in a few weeks since it may be some time before the ground dries up enough to do any gardening.

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. What a wonderful way to trick Mother Nature! I love it! I think I'll put a few of these together and get my salad greens started. Have a great day and keep your feet dry!

  2. Great idea a portable cold frame!!!!! I need to have my little boyfriend whip me up a couple of these. I should start us some spinach in one. We have never been able to get spinach to do anything here, either it's too cold or too warm for it. Maybe we could just move it around to where it's happy if we had one of these!! Oh Danny!!!!!!! Honey!!!!!!!!

    I am sorry that you are supposed to be getting more snow. I can't believe it! I have really enjoyed our sunshine and warmer weather here for the past couple days even though I didn't really feel like being outside physically, it was so good for my mental state!!! I pray for you some sunshine soon!


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