
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just when I had given up !

Just when we thought Spring was finally here Mother Nature decided to play a cruel trick on us and dumped 8 inches of snow on Friday night and Saturday. We are hoping it is the last storm of the season for The Holler but are unsure if that is just optimism on our part. The weather man moved winter's status from the 5th highest snowfall on record to the 4th. I snuggled in under my quilt frame for the weekend and handstitched on my sampler quilt. 

Baked a wonderful peach cobbler to feast on !  The recipe is just an old standby. 1 large can peaches dumped into a greased 13X9 baking pan (juice and all) . 1 box yellow cake mix on top and 1 stick of margarine melted and drizzled over the cake mix. I then sprinkle about 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1/2 tsp cinnamon over that and sometimes a handful of chopped nuts on top. Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes and an easy quick dessert. Top with a scoop of ice cream and enjoy.

Baby Oops left Sunday on an out of town school function and O WIse One and I have had the house to ourselves for 3 days. A sign of things to come. By Monday most of the snow was gone with just a little lingering in shady spots. This morning what do we see?

Sunshine and Flowers ! Can it be that Spring has sneaked into the Holler while we were munching on cobbler and leftover Gumbo.  Just when we had indeed given up and resigned ourselves to snow in July.

Who Knew!!!

Blessings from The Holler

The Canned Quilter

1 comment:

  1. Yea for Spring! I think it's finally going to win the battle!


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