
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Baby Oops the Wonder Kid

I have again been called to jury duty. This will be  the second time in three weeks. I have put round steak in the crock pot, put Baby O on the bus and I am off. So while I am languishing at the court house this morning I have posted this early this morning as to be able to leave it for everyone as a small trip down memory lane.

  I read a blog on teaching yesterday that made me think of Baby Oops. When Baby Oops was 3 she started preschool at the local public school. A nice lady called and asked to come out to the house and evaluate Baby O for preschool so they would know if she needed any special help. Well the Preschool teacher was none other than Mrs. K from across the gravel road. Remember with the big red dog that would steal laundry off the line! She showed up and Baby O was in fine form. She answered all her questions and even played tea set with her. Her dream at 3 was to be a waitress. She would run around the house with a pad and crayon taking orders all day.  Kids? Baby had to identify these pictures on flash cards and she was the only kid in her class that knew what an iron was. I was so proud! That says something for her obsessive compulsive mother because we all know things must be pressed!

We were later notified that there would be a meeting prior to school starting for the parents so we attended and Mrs. K gave a wonderful list of all the things she would teach Baby O that year. How to line up in a line, play with other children and all sorts of other neat things. After class O Wise One approached the teacher and suggested they put Baby in the front of the line. She laughed.  Little did she know! Well the first day of school went fine and we were encouraged. Maybe this school thing would be alright after all.

The second day of school O Wise One got a call about 11:30 that they had lost Baby O.  It seems they had not taken O Wise One's suggestions to heart and had put Baby O in the rear of the line. When recess was over they had lined up and as the line had progressed forward Baby O had grabbed the nearest little boy by the hand and went in the opposite direction. Kidnapping at 3, who knew? They told O Wise One they had found her behind Mr. Bob's school bus. Headed in the direction of home with her new friend reluctantly in tow. O Wise One was the first to inquire "Was she smoking"?

Baby Oops taught Mrs. K quite a bit that year. She retired! Baby Oops got a 100% on the English state evaluation test scores, Mrs K said in her 30 years she had never had that happen. Who knew! She has given up her dreams of waitressing at 14 and this weeks career goal is mythilogical archeology. In other words ladies she wants to spend the rest of her life looking for unicorns and Nessie! We are again so proud. I think that is one of those jobs where her waitress experience may be handy : )

Hope you have enjoyed my little trip down memory lane. I will be back tomorrow to tell of my experiences again as a jury duty reject I am sure.

Blessings from the Holler

The Canned Quilter


  1. Yes I enjoyed your trip down memory lane-I think I'll be smiling about it the rest of the day : )

  2. Thanks I needed a really good laugh this morning!!! She is 15 huh? My Morgan is 15 and we have some very funny stories of her too!!

    Sounds like she acts like her mother!!

    Have fun taking care of the criminals out there!!

  3. What a sweetie! Makes me a bit sorry I missed out on some of that fun because of the distance between us. But that's why you have this handy dandy blog. =)


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