
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm hateful like that !

Well folks here at the Holler we are snowed in again. Monday snowstorms all day. As I was reading blogs I came across this blog where they were going to ignore the fact that it was Feb and spring clean. Wish I could remember where I read that at! Well people I want you to know that this person is a genius. Ya see they are trapped in here with me. Completely at my mercy. I control the stove and the food and they can't go anywhere. I am all powerful ! (insert maniacal laugh) So guess what! We will spring clean because I said so. So that is what we are doing. O Wise One looks shell shocked. Baby Oops is hiding in her room. So we cleaned. O Wise One took oil soap to the cabinets and Baby Oops came behind with lemon oil. Then we cleaned on top of the cabinets after everything was removed. Polished the copper wash pot and put all the greenery in the shower and gave it a good bath. Look at that shine..Just heard no school on Tuesday. Laugh hysterically as Baby Oops looks like she could just explode!

Then we washed all the stuff on top and put it back!

Then we polished some more copper!

We took all the hanging stuff off the walls and washed it and returned it to it's proper place!

Then we washed all the plates on the plate racks...

Look at that shine : )

Meanwhile the dogs are hiding as they are sure they are going to be bathed next. There is way too much soap and water around for their comfort. Baby Oops broke her neck to get on that school bus this morning. And as for O Wise One well it was for better or worse and I am sure he will shortly need to make a road trip for something.

And as for me the Canned Quilter, I hear there is snow back in the forecast for next week. Maybe I should buy more cleaning supplies just because I'm hateful like that.

Blessings from the Holler
The Canned Quilter


  1. LOL! It sure looks good! And now when spring gets here you'll already have it done and you can enjoy the beautiful weather!

  2. Did you by chance read that on my blog?? LOL!! I had to play tricks with my mind back in January and painted floors and did spring cleaning too!! It sure helped me out of a rut for a while.
    We have now had so much snow that I wouldn't know what to do with anything sunshine!!!

    Looks good!! Poor family and dogs!! Don't be so hateful!!

  3. LOL I know I had read it somewhere but couldn't remember where. Girl it was so funny they couldn't go anywhere and had to help. Lololol Deer in the headlights.


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